Initialize ComputerBad

Better late than never.

One could reasonably argue that the amount of time it has taken me to settle on a domain name at which to blog was, in fact, procrastination in motion. Deciding on a domain, that I remain happy with, has actually been a source of great torment for me. So much so, that I don’t believe this to have been, at least not in whole, an elaborate exercise in procrastination - I’m not a masochist.

Thinking of a domain name, checking its availability, finding it for sale for $7,000 USD, thinking of another name I’m less enthusiastic about, registering it, conceding I dislike it, then trying to convince myself otherwise over the next 12 months, at which point the domain expires — an endless cycle of treachery I know too well.

It is equal parts amusing and frustrating to discover that someone, somewhere, has thought up the very domain name you just thought of, having purchased it some 13 years ago.

Well, all of that’s behind us now, as we’ve arrived at our destination, - fully committed, deeply invested, raring to go. No looking back.

With the name settled on and the HTML templating/CSS finalised (having altered a Hugo theme ‘Simgle’, found here.), the stage is finally set. Is the establishment of this very blog enough to coax me into a regular practice of study and writing?

Well, while that remains to be seen, I sure hope it is.